Lo mejor de España y Portugal
From AR$ 1,050,964

Lo mejor de España y Portugal

Created: Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Ref ID: 3422776
price per person From
AR$ 1,050,964
Based on 2 adults
Created: Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Destinations: Madrid, Seville, Granada, Valencia, Barcelona, Lisbon, Porto

Your day to day

20 Mar
1. Madrid
About the destination:

Madrid has a tempo of its own: The dry air of the Castilian plain crackles with its cosmopolitan crowds. If the illuminated shop windows along the Gran Vía, and the unrelenting elegance of Paseo de la Castellana are overwhelming, retreat to Old Madrid. Its tangle of side streets south of Plaza Mayor and Puerta del Sol are what makes the real Madrid. Spend half a day in the Prado Museum, thaat sit to rest on the steps leading down to the lake in lush Retiro Park. The city begins to live it up as soon as the sun goes down. Madrid claims to boast the largest number of bars per capita of any European city. Madrid teems with cultural events all year round. After concert, play or film, you can choose among literally hundreds of tapas bars and an endless array of nightspots. Madrid successfylly combines its cosmopolitan sophistication with its most cherished local traditions, the result is fascinating to explore.

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20 Mar
Car rental
Smart for four/Kia Picanto/Fiat Panda
Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas
Madrid Aeropuerto
12:00 PM - 20 Mar 2023
Barcelona El Prat
Barcelona Airport
8:00 AM - 22 Mar 2023
Driver age

Minimum 21, Maximum 80

Fuel Policy

Política de combustible: Lleno-vacío. El vehículo es entregado con el depósito lleno, el cual es pagadero en la oficina junto con una tasa de repostaje de entre 15€ y 50€, cuya tasa es NO REEMBOLSABLE. El coste del combustible depende de la categoría y el depósito del vehículo así como el precio actual por litro en el momento de la recogida. El combustible no utilizado puede ser reembolsado por octavos en el momento de la devolución según marque el indicador de nivel en el vehículo.

General payment terms
Prepago: Al recoger su vehiculo es necesario presentar como garantía una tarjeta de crédito válida, cuyo titular sea el conductor que figura en la reserva. No se aceptan tarjetas de débito o prepago como Maestro, Visa Electron o Visa Premier.
Deposit applicable to this booking
Al recoger el coche se bloqueará un depósito de seguridad en la tarjeta de crédito del conductor. Este depósito lo determina el proveedor teniendo en cuenta la categoría de coche seleccionada. Le informamos de que el valor de un depósito de combustible y las posibles multas de tráfico pueden bloquearse adicionalmente en su tarjeta de crédito. Se recomienda presentar una tarjeta de crédito con chip, código pin y números en relieve.Cantidad estimada del depósito: EUR 1100,00
Theft protection
con franquicia de 1.100 EUR
Collision damage waiver
con franquicia de 1.100 EUR

Madrid Aeropuerto - Telephone: +34 918 341 400

Av. de la Hispanidad.

Opening hours: 07:00 - 23:00
La estación se encuentra en el aeropuerto. Por favor siga las indicaciones hasta llegar a la estación de alquiler de vehículos.

Barcelona Airport - Telephone +34 918 341 400

Barcelona Flughafen - El Prat de Llobregat.

Opening hours: 08:00 - 22:00
La estación se encuentra en el aeropuerto. Por favor siga las indicaciones hasta llegar a la estación de alquiler de vehículos.
Transport from Madrid to Seville
No transport selected
22 Mar
2. Seville
About the destination: Seville has a special colour, this effervescent city is filled with captivating traditional architecture in colours of lemons, plums and oranges. The River Guadalquivir runs approximately north-south through Seville. Most of the city, including the old quarter of Barrio de Santa Cruz, is on the east bank, while the Barrio de Triana lies on the west bank. At midnight, impromptu singing, clapping and guitar playing fill bars and streets. By day, the diversity of the city’s heritage becomes apparent. The Romans, Moors, Catholic Spaniards, and now, hordes of tourists have all tried to claim Seville as their own. Indeed, Seville has never failed to spark the imagination of newcomers. From the street, the cathedral seems unimpressive; you must go inside to get some sense of its dimensions. Massive pillars support the vaulted roof, and the wealth of treasure is fabulous beyond belief. Another major sight of the city is La Giralda, which was the minaret of the Almohad mosque. From the top, there’s a fantastic view of the city across the barbed spires and buttresses of the roof. La Torre del Oro, a symbol of the city, originally covered in golden tiles, watches over the town as it has always done since 1220. Seville at night is wonderful, everything takes on a mystical air able to hypnotize and if you know how to live it, you will fall under its spell.
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Transport from Seville to Granada
No transport selected
25 Mar
3. Granada
About the destination: The Muslim rulers of Granada adored and adorned this provincial capital. Ignore the low apartments of Granada and look up: the majestic clay-red Alhambra palace looms against the Sierra Nevada, Europe’s sunniest ski slopes. And the refreshing coastline is also nearby. The Alhambra, the red one in Arabic, is an Islamic monument of universal fame ad unfaded grandeur, built on a hill covered with splendid woods and gardens. The numerous courtyards and rooms inside the palaces of the Casa Real are among the finest examples of Mudejar art and architecture. Constructed after the Reconquista of Granada to replace the mosque on the site, the Cathedral of Granada is the first purely Renaissance cathedral is Spain. The Royal Chapel, reached by a separate entrance, contains the elaborate tomb of Ferdinand and Isabella, along with Isabella’s splendid private art collecting. South of the Cathedral is the Albayzin, the old Arab quarter, a set of winding alleyways with Moorish-style archways decorating the walls. Granada is famous for its holy week celebrations, which include festivities and processions. For less cultural diversion, stick to the student pubs around the university.
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Transport from Granada to Valencia
No transport selected
27 Mar
4. Valencia
About the destination: Valencia prizes its huertas, orchards, of citrus fruit trees, which flourish despite the arid conditions. Here visitors will find monuments to water, or fountains, and celebrations of vegetation, or gardens. This provincial capital, the third largest city in Spain, also offers a variety of museums and ancient monuments and buildings, all with a distinctly Moorish and nautical flavour. Valencia is the birthplace of both paella and orxata de chufas, and it provides the most authentic setting for sampling them. From the Old Town rises the Gothic and neoclassical Seu, Metropolitan Cathedral. Its tower, the Micalet, offers a far-reaching panorama of the historic centre of the city. The inside of the cathedral is notable for its cool simplicity and simple, but beautiful, six-panel altarpiece. The Museu de la Seu, the Cathedral Museum, claims among other lesser treasures, two large Goyas and one of Spain’s several supposedly authentic Holy Grails. Nearby is the Llotja de la Seda, the former silk exchange, with its handsome pillars. No matter if you like the modern or the old, Valencia has everything to offer. You can get lost at night in the historic centre and walk in front of the illuminated cathedral or visit La Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, the City of Arts and Sciences, the avant-garde side of the city.
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Transport from Valencia to Barcelona
No transport selected
28 Mar
5. Barcelona
About the destination: Barcelona is a city on the coast of northeastern Spain. It is the capital and largest city of the autonomous community of Catalonia, as well as the second most populous municipality of Spain. With a population of 1.6 million within city limits,[7] its urban area extends to numerous neighbouring municipalities within the Province of Barcelona and is home to around 4.8 million people, making it the fifth most populous urban area in the European Union after Paris, the Ruhr area, Madrid, and Milan. It is one of the largest metropolises on the Mediterranean Sea, located on the coast between the mouths of the rivers Llobregat and Besòs, and bounded to the west by the Serra de Collserola mountain range, the tallest peak of which is 512 metres (1,680 feet) high.
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31 Mar
Transport from Barcelona to Lisbon
Vueling Airlines
Vueling Airlines Vueling Airlines - VY8466
12:20 PM - Barcelona, Barcelona El Prat (BCN)
1:25 PM - Lisbon, Lisboa Humberto Delgado Airport (LIS)
2h 5m 0 PC Nonstop
Transport:  VY8466
Cabin Class: Economy
31 Mar
6. Lisbon
About the destination: Lisbon is known as the city of seven hills due to its location, the city spreads across steep hillsides that overlook the Rio Tajo. Romantic and cosmopolitan, the city presents its typical red roofs to the visitors that want to get to know its every inch. Lisbon surprises with its natural beauty and relaxed atmosphere. The Portuguese capital offers lots of museums, libraries, a huge port, churches and palaces and stunning views of the Rio Tajo Lisbon was considered a poor and chaotic city. Currently it has experienced a resurgence in the style of the XIV and XV centuries, when it was part of that vast empire stretching from Brazil to India. The reason for this was the World Expo held in 1998, a new bridge over the Tagus was built and the network of underground of the city was remodeled. The resurgence of the city then continued to host several matches during Euro in 2004, also held there the Delivery Music Awards (MTV) in 2005. Many of its most beautiful buildings date from the XIV and XV centuries, especially the ones located in the Belem district. There are also many buildings from the XVIII century, which are located mostly in the Baixa area of central Lisbon and were reconstructed almost completely after a devastating earthquake that hit the town in 1755. The historic center of the city, standing on Las Siete Colinas, presents steep streets and picturesque alleys. On the west side of the city, there is Monsanto Forest Park, Lisbon’s lung, with an area of 10 km and one of the largest in Europe. The capital’s majestic port has 3 docks commonly used for several cruises and it is, currently, the busiest port in the European Atlantic coast. Lisbon is a city with centuries of history and with an ambitious attitude, marrying the historic with the modern, the traditional with the cutting edge. Strolling through the old quarters one can hear the traditional Fado sung and played in small restaurants in town. In the hilltop district of Bairro Alto, dozens of restaurants and bars line the narrow streets, with jazz, reggae, electronica filling the air and revelers partying until dawn. Nightclubs scattered all over town make fine use of old spaces, whether on riverside docks or tucked away in 18th-century mansions. Lisbon presents itself to the world as a cosmopolitan and lively city, with alternative for every taste, especially in the summer months when its many bars, terraces and restaurants are crammed with people.
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31 Mar
Car rental
Fiat 500
Lisboa Humberto Delgado Airport
Lisbon Airport
2:30 PM - 31 Mar 2023
PORTO Airport (Shuttle)
8:00 AM - 3 Apr 2023
Driver age

Minimum 19, Maximum 99

Fuel Policy

Lleno-lleno. Se entrega el coche lleno y se devuelve lleno. Si no se devuelve lleno, el proveedor le cobrará el combustible más tasas.

General payment terms
Prepago: Al recoger su vehiculo es necesario presentar como garantía una tarjeta de crédito válida, cuyo titular sea el conductor que figura en la reserva. No se aceptan tarjetas de débito o prepago como Maestro, Visa Electron o Visa Premier.
Deposit applicable to this booking
Al recoger el coche se bloqueará un depósito de seguridad en la tarjeta de crédito del conductor. Este depósito lo determina el proveedor teniendo en cuenta la categoría de coche seleccionada. Le informamos de que el valor de un depósito de combustible y las posibles multas de tráfico pueden bloquearse adicionalmente en su tarjeta de crédito. Se recomienda presentar una tarjeta de crédito con chip, código pin y números en relieve.Cantidad estimada del depósito: EUR 1050,00
Theft protection
con franquicia de 1.050 EUR
Collision damage waiver
con franquicia de 1.050 EUR

Lisbon Airport - Telephone: (+351) 211 303 540

Rua Fradesso Silveira, 6, Piso 1 A/B

Opening hours: 07:00 - 23:00
Una vez que haya recogido su equipaje, salga de la sala de llegadas y cruce el primer paso de cebra justo frente a usted y aquí encontrará el autobús lanzadera Centauro que lo llevará a nuestras oficinas cercanas al aeropuerto.

PORTO Airport (Shuttle) - Telephone (+351) 211 303 540

Rua Joaquim Alves de Sousa Moreira, 148

Opening hours: 07:00 - 23:00
Una vez que haya recogido su equipaje, salga de la sala de llegadas y cruce el primer paso de cebra justo frente a usted y aquí encontrará el autobús lanzadera Centauro que lo llevará a nuestra oficina ubicada a aprox. A 3 minutos de la terminal.
Transport from Lisbon to Porto
No transport selected
03 Apr
7. Porto
About the destination: Situated on a dramatic valley cut by River Douro, Porto is known for the beauty of its building and the sweet taste of is wine. The hub of the city is Avenida dos Aliados, a wide avenue encircle by Praça General H. Delgado and Praça da Liberdade. Nonetheless, the most alluring part of the city is Ribeira, the river district and a Unesco World Heritage Site, where three of Europe’s most graceful bridges span the gorge. Busy Praça da Liberdade and the adjoining Avenida dos Aliados make up the centre of town, where statues stand in the centre of busy mosaic walkways. Nearby rises Porto’s great cathedral, a colossal, fortified Romanesque structure whose heavy granite foundations, thick walls and tiny windows enclose a gloomy interior. The Ribeira stretches along the river, skirted by a wonderful quay filled with shops and restaurants. Porto’s most characteristic monument, the ornate Torre dos Clérigos, offers a panorama of the city from atop its 240 steps. No visit to Porto would be complete without a stop at some of the many bodegas, wine lodges, where port is stored and bottled. And a visit to the amazing Lello library with its spiral staircase, is a must see as well, even if you are not a Harry Potter’s fan.
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Rates valid for payments in USD bill for payments in Argentine pesos please consult us. IMPORTANT: Prices do not include taxes and RG5463. For more information you can visit us from Monday to Friday from 9 to 18hs in Mitre Av. 740, Menodza. You can also contact us by our WhatsApp +5492613034028:

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price per person From
AR$ 1,050,964
Based on 2 adults
This idea includes
Destinations 7
Transports 1
Accommodations 7
Cars 2

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